Mahmoud Mohammed



  • I am a Junior DevOps and MLOps Engineer.
  • Graduated from Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Information Technology (IT) Department.
  • I am a Linux enthusiast with substantial experience, and I proudly present my Linux distribution, Exodia OS, which can be explored at
  • My expertise extends to the realm of CyberSecurity, where I have a background in PNPT, mobile app penetration testing, web app testing, and security.
  • Additionally, I am delving into the field of machine learning and currently expanding my knowledge in this area.
  • As a supporter of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS), I have made some minor contributions to various projects.
  • Hardware Enthusiast & Acer Predator fanboy.

DevOps/MLOps Engineer & Linux Geek.

  • Degree: Bachelor of Computer Science
  • Emai:
  • Freelance: Available

Tech Stack:
DevOps | MLOps | Linux | AWS | Azure | docker
Kubernetes | Helm | Grafana | Ansible | CI/CD
GitHub Actions | GitLab CI | Bash | Terraform
PowerShell | Git | GitHub | GitLab | OpenShift
Jenkins | Podman | LFS Git | python | Pentest


  • Linux: Debian-based, Arch-based, RHEL-based.
  • Version Control: Git, Git LFS, GitHub, GitLab.
  • Programming & Scripting: C/C++, java, python, Bash, PowerShell.
  • containerization & Orchestration: Docker, podman, OpenShift, Kubernetes.
  • CI-CD & Pipelines: Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI.
  • Tools & Monitoring & Configurations management: Ansible, vagrant, Grafana.
  • Data Serialization & DSL & IaC: JSON, YAML, TOML, Terraform, Helm.
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure.
  • Penetration Testing: web App, mobile App.


Junior DevOps and MLOps Engineer


Mahmoud Mohammed

Junior DevOps and MLOps Engineer.

  • Cairo, Egypt
  • GitHub: @mmsaeed509


Bachelor of Computer Science (Class of 2023)

2018 - 2023

Major: Information Technology (IT)

Faculty Computers and Artificial Intelligence, Cairo University


Exodia OS

Graduation Project: (Excellent Grade)

Exodia OS is an Arch-based distribution designed for all cybersecurity fields. It also offers other special editions, such as the Home edition for daily use and the Acer Predator edition tailored for Acer Predator laptops, enabling control over CPU/GPU fans and keyboard RGB settings



VProfile is a website written in Java and consists of multiple services, forming a Multi-Tier Web Application. The services include: MySQL - Memcached - RabbitMQ - Tomcat - Nginx This project aims to deploy VProfile using GitHub Actions, comprising two workflows:

  • Terraform Workflow(for development): Fetch the code and test it on AWS.
  • Application Workflow(for production): Upon a successful build, it will create Docker images and deploy them on Amazon ECR. Subsequently, Helm will be utilized to fetch the Docker images to the EKS Cluster and run the application.

VProfile - Kubernetes


Deploying VProfile on K8s Cluster: We will install Kops on an EC2 instance, containerize the VProfile app, create an EBS volume for the DB Pod to manage the database, and label nodes with zone names.

VProfile - Jenkins(using CI/CD)


Deploy VProfile on AWS using Jenkins CI/CD: The process involves fetching the code from GitHub, building the code using Maven, testing the code using Maven UnitTest, analyzing the code with Maven Checkstyle, analyzing the code with SonarQube, and finally building Docker images and deploying them to the AWS ECR Registry.

VProfile app deployment on local host


deploy the VProfile on LocalHost: In this process, we will deploy the application on our local host using Vagrant, a tool that facilitates the creation of VMs using a Ruby script. Next, we will create scripts to install all services, with each service having its own script (e.g., a script to install and enable the MySQL service, another script for Nginx, another for Memcached, etc.). Finally, we will create a Vagrantfile and configure all VMs, assigning five VMs for the five different services.

Collaborators at acer-predator-turbo-and-rgb-keyboard-linux-module

Reverse Engineering & Linux

It's a kernel module for Acer Predator laptops designed to control GPU/CPU fan speed, keyboard RGB, and TURBO mode. We reverse-engineered the official Predator Series App and subsequently wrote a C-based kernel module for Linux.


Penetration Testing - Red Teaming

This is a basic implementation of ransomware using Python, consisting of two programs: a server and a client. The server is used to control the client (ransomware) and is hosted on the attacker's machine. The client, which functions as the ransomware, connects to the server and awaits commands to encrypt/decrypt files. The client is deployed on the victim's machine.

Professional Experience

Malware Analyst

3 months in Jun - Aug 2021

Incident Response - CyberTalents

  • Reverse Engineering.
  • Digital Forensics.

Cisco CyberOps Associate

1 month in Aug - Sept 2021

Cisco CyberOps Associate Trainee - NTI

  • Use tools and techniques in a sandboxed, virtual machine environment that allows them to create, implement, monitor, and detect various types of cyberattacks.
  • The hands-on training is performed in this environment so that students can gain the necessary skills and knowledge needed to thwart these and future cyber attacks.


1 month in Aug - Sept 2020

Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence Cairo University summer CCNA Training

  • Introduces the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet and other computer networks.
  • The principles and structure of IP addressing and the fundamentals of Ethernet concepts, media, and operations are introduced to provide a foundation for the curriculum.
  • By the end of the course, students will be able to build simple local area networks (LAN), perform basic configurations for routers and switches, and implement IP addressing schemes.


Tech Stack

  • Linux: Debian-based, Arch-based, RHEL-based.
  • Version Control: Git, Git LFS, GitHub, GitLab.
  • Programming & Scripting: C/C++, java, python, Bash, PowerShell.
  • containerization & Orchestration: Docker, podman, OpenShift, Kubernetes.
  • CI-CD & Pipelines: Jenkins, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI.
  • Tools & Monitoring & : Ansible, vagrant, Grafana.
  • Data Serialization & DSL & IaC: JSON, YAML, TOML, Terraform, Helm.
  • Cloud: AWS, Azure.
  • Penetration Testing: web App, mobile App.


  • DevOps: DevOps with Projects - udemy, RealTime DevOps & GitOps Projects - udemy.
  • CI-CD & Pipelines: Terraform - udemy, GitLab CI - udemy, GitHub Actions - udemy.
  • Penetration Testing: PNPT - TCMSec, Mobile PenTesting - TCMSec, Web PenTesting - TCMSec.
  • containerization & Orchestration: Docker & Kubernetes - udemy, Helm Masterclass - udemy.


  • CyberSecurtiy: Incident Response, NTI CyberOps, PNPT.
  • DevOps: DevOps with Projects.
  • Networks: CCNA.
  • Programming: C With linux.


  • All
  • Linux
  • DevOps
  • PenTesting